Thursday 27 July 2017

Hello Classmates!

          I am currently enrolled in Mr. Freitas' ENG3U1 online class and this is my multimedia assignment! This blog consists of the several themes I have studied and analyzed throughout this course and why I believe they are so important. Feel free to leave a comment or ask questions and I will answer them as soon as possible. 

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Take part in my survey and let me know if you agree with me that love conquers all!

Please enjoy my blog!

Final Reflection

Throughout the course of this culminating assignment, I have learned the importance of using various different multimedia elements to display my theme of love conquering all, no matter the obstacles. 

This project taught me how to analyze literature and highlight any important information that could help me express my chosen theme.

With the use of quotes, I was also able to effectively display that love conquers all.

Overall, this culminating assignment developed my ability to recognize significant themes within literature. 

Sunday 23 July 2017

Chosen Novel

          After reading my classmates reviews on the given novels, I have chosen to read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini due to its powerful and educating storyline. The reviews have constantly stated that this novel expresses the theme of family and friendship very vividly and is a book everyone must read. Therefore, I have chosen to read The Kite Runner as my novel for this unit.

Book Review Feedback: Jasmine Dolisen

          The format Jasmine chose to present her information in was very effective and made me want to continue reading her response. The reviews she chose were extremely persuasive and she included very good supporting details for each. I definitely agree with Jasmine that The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is the right book to read due to her interest in the plot of war. Overall, she did and excellent job and I wish her luck on her assignments!

Book Review Feedback: Jeeyun Han

          The reviews Jeeyun chose were very good and she included a lot of specific details! The review she chose for The Kite Runner convinced me that it is a very thrilling novel that is hardly ever dull. I am grateful that she educated me on this novel, greatly influencing me to read it. Jeeyun did an amazing job!

Book Review Feedback: Catalina Acevedo

          The reviews Catalina chose to share with our class are exceptional and describe each novel extremely well. I completely agree with her that The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is the best novel to read due to its emotional and educating storyline. Catalina did an excellent job!

How To Overcome Jealousy