Saturday 22 July 2017

"The Kite Runner": Predicting Quotes #2

“I sat on my bed and wished Rahim Khan had been my father…I was overcome with such sudden guilt that I bolted to the bathroom and vomited in the sink.” (34-35)

          A prediction I can make from this quote is that Rahim Khan will adopt Amir. I came to this conclusion because Rahim understands and cares for Amir more than Baba does. Rahim is the one adult Amir can look up to when he needs to get something off his chest; Baba is most definitely not that person. Rahim is kind to Amir and supports his love for reading and poetry, unlike Baba, who repeatedly disrespects Amir’s interests. Amir is scared of Baba and, despite his guilt, confesses to the fact that he would rather have Rahim as his father. Therefore, due to Rahim’s love for Amir and Baba’s misunderstanding of him, I think Rahim will adopt Amir.

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