Monday 10 July 2017

"Growing Up Native": Organization

          The paragraphs in this essay are very well ordered since they all begin with topic sentences that are developed with examples. Paragraph eight follows this pattern with the topic sentence, “The residential schools were another source of misery for the kids,” (Geddes 8). The information throughout this paragraph backs up the topic of residential schools by discussing different experiences native children faced while attending these terrible places. For example, “Sexual abuse was rampant in the residential school system,” (8).

          Paragraph ten also follows this pattern with the topic sentence, “Going to school in Whitehorse was a shock,” (10). Within this paragraph, Geddes tells a story of the time she wet her pants as a result of her white teacher screaming at her for refusing to read. Geddes was always taught that white teachers always knew best, but her traumatic experience at school definitely changed her belief in that statement. “The clash of native and white values was confusing and frightening,” (10). One can assume she never expected to feel as shocked as she did while attending school in Whitehorse.

          Therefore, paragraphs eight and ten both possessed topic sentences that were backed up with supporting examples throughout.

The Reality of Residential Schools

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