Sunday 9 July 2017

Max Beerbohm’s Essay: "Going Out for a Walk"

New Words

New word from the essay: Prattling 

Sentence from the essay: “Even while I trotted prattling by my nurse's side I regretted the good old days when I had, and wasn't, a perambulator,” (Beerbohm 1). 

Predicted meaning: Rattling on and on in an annoying way. 

Real meaning: Talking and uttering words in a foolish manner, not intelligently. I could use prattling instead of chattering. 

New sentence: The woman began prattling to her husband about all her problems and needs.

New word from the essay: Laudable 

Sentence from the essay: “Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practice it,” (1). 

Predicted meaning: Talking extremely and obnoxiously loud. 

Real meaning: Something or someone who deserves praise for acting upon a morally proper action. I could use laudable instead of creditable. 

New sentence: The individual who donated all of her money and time to charity was laudable. 

New word from the essay: Probity 

Sentence from the essay: “The body is going out because the mere fact of its doing so is a sure indication of nobility, probity, and rugged grandeur of character,” (2). 

Predicted meaning: The act of eternally banning something or someone. 

Real meaning: The quality of possessing honesty and always having strong moral principles. I could use probity instead of integrity. 

New sentence: My mother believes that I possess very little probity because I always lie to her. 

New word from the essay: Valetudinarians 

Sentence from the essay: “That valetudinarians are always chattering about it, and indulging in it to excess, is no reason for despising it,” (2). 

Predicted meaning: Individuals chosen to speak on behalf of a group of others. 

Real meaning: Individuals chronically concerned about their health and wellbeing. I could use valetudinarians instead of sufferers. 

New sentence: The group of valetudinarians attended a group class where they were cured of their anxiety towards their health.

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