Saturday 22 July 2017

"The Kite Runner": Essay Outline

Theme: Jealousy, leading to the destruction of relationships

Thesis: The constant jealousy Amir feels towards Baba and Hassan contributes to the overall destruction of his family relationships, thus causing him to abandon Hassan. Despite the unconditional love Hassan feels for Amir, jealousy reigns over – damaging the one true friendship he ever had, the father-son bond he never truly had, and the relationship Baba and Hassan could have had.

Introduction: Introduce the name of the novel and author

- Summarize key events from the novel

- Include thesis statement

- Present three main points

First Body Paragraph: Relationship between Amir and Hassan

- Amir is jealous that Hassan sticks up for him; jealous he can’t do the same

- Amir is jealous Hassan can solve riddles better than him; jealous he is smarter

Second Body Paragraph: Relationship between Amir and Baba

- Amir is jealous that Baba is spending so much time building an orphanage for parentless children; jealous he isn’t spending time with his own son

- Amir is envious that Baba does not accept him and constantly questions their relationship; jealous that he may be chanting with the opposition voices

Third Body Paragraph: Relationship between Baba and Hassan; Amir’s jealousy of it

- Amir is jealous Hassan can skip more stones than him; jealous that Baba pats Hassan on the head for his impressive act

- Amir is jealous that Baba buys Hassan a surgery to fix his cleft lip for his birthday; envious of Hassan and wishes he had an imperfection of his own

Conclusion: Restate thesis statement

- Summarize key points from each body paragraph

- One wonders if Amir ever escapes his world full of hatred and jealousy to repair the broken ties throughout his life.

Works Cited: Primary source

- Minimum of two secondary sources