Sunday 9 July 2017

"Going Out for a Walk": An Informal Essay

Beerbohm’s essay, Going Out for a Walk, is an informal essay for multiple reasons.

          Firstly, the author’s viewpoint is written in first person, directly addressing the reader. “It is a fact that not once in all my life have I gone out for a walk,” (1). One can come to the conclusion that this essay is informal due to the use of personal pronouns. The content discussed is drawn from Beerbohm’s life experiences since he is reflecting upon his hatred for walks. “How comes it, this immediate deterioration in those who go walking for walking's sake?” (2). An ironic tone is apparent throughout his essay when he claims that going for walks will prevent intellectual thoughts, when walks are commonly known as a productive activity.

          The structure of Beerbohm’s essay does not follow a fairly rigid template, but is loosely structured with no definite introduction, body, or conclusion. The thesis is not explicitly stated due to the informality of his essay. Reading between the lines is required in order to locate the thesis. While doing so, one can come to the conclusion that the thesis discusses the comparison between a walk being a productive task to Beerbohm’s opinion of a walk damaging the intelligence of individuals. “I am inclined to think that in moderation it is rather good for one, physically.” (2). Going Out for a Walk is an incredibly engaging essay that uses several stylistic devices that let readers connect to their everyday lives.

          “Even if you go to some definite place, for some definite purpose, the brain would rather you took a vehicle,” (2). One can assume that the purpose of Beerbohm’s essay is to allow readers to reflect upon simple actions, such as going for a walk, and truly consider the effect it can have on a person. Therefore, for these convincing reasons, Beerbohm’s essay, Going Out for a Walk, is informal.

Formal Essay vs. Informal Essay

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