Monday 10 July 2017

"Growing Up Native": Thesis

          Due to the fact that Growing Up Native is a descriptive narrative essay, its thesis is implicitly stated. Ms. Geddes’ thesis revolves around the fact that native people deserve equality because, other than their culture, they are no different from anyone else. This thesis expresses her opinion on the topic and why she decided to write the essay in the first place. Readers inspired by this thesis will try to diminish the discrimination and humiliation native people face on an everyday basis. Readers have the ability to act upon this after reading Growing Up Native since it educated them on the native culture and lifestyle.

          Ms. Geddes’ thesis is supported several times throughout the text using descriptive words to enhance her point of view. “Go back to your bows and arrows and fish with spears if you want aboriginal rights. If not, give it up and assimilate into white Canadian culture,” (Geddes 16). One can come to the conclusion that the discrimination white people had towards the native people was extremely prominent as they continuously tried to force them into losing their culture altogether in order to join the white Canadian culture.

          “You get a really bad image of yourself in a situation like that. I bought into it. I thought we were awful,” (11). One can assume that the native people were belittled and bullied, as described by the words, “bad image” and “awful”. When comparing themselves to white people, they never thought they were good enough and began hating themselves.

          “While we’re learning, we have a lot to teach and give to the world,” (18). One can predict that Geddes is attempting to reveal the significance of equality and why everyone, no matter your culture, deserves it. Specific words she used to get this message across are “teach”, “give”, and “world”. All in all, these supporting quotes definitely back up Ms. Geddes’ thesis and contribute to the overall theme of discrimination.

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