Sunday 9 July 2017

Memoir Graphic Organizer

Audience: My memoir will be directed to an audience of students battling with self-confidence.

Tone: The tone of my memoir will range from anxious to optimistic. Words I will use to suggest these tones will be fearful, uneasy, hopeful and confident.

The Event: The event I will be discussing in my memoir will be the time I was chosen to speak on behalf of my entire Grade 9 class at the Father John Redmond open house.

Setting: The event I will be discussing in my memoir took place in the first month of Grade 9 at Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School.

The Plot:

Lead: I was chosen to present a speech to an audience full of eager students and adults by my Gifted teacher, Mrs. Carducci. I was told to go meet Mr. MacDonald, the head of the drama and dance program, to find out more about the speech. In my speech, I had to discuss the different academic and art programs I was involved in and how much I enjoyed them. I was hesitant at first due to my lack of self-confidence, but I decided to face my fears and hope for the best.

Beginning: I worked on writing my speech while balancing my schoolwork at the same time. I regularly met with Mr. MacDonald to receive feedback on my speech and the way I was orating it.

Middle: When the time came to present my speech, I proved the world wrong. I got up there and recited my speech perfectly without jumbling any of my words. I was completely comfortable while standing on the podium and showed no signs of nervousness.

End: Once I finished reading my speech, I heard the loudest round of applause I had ever heard in my life. The incredible sense of pride I felt that night will never be forgotten. As people in the audience confronted me to compliment my performance, my self-esteem was boosted greatly.
Contemplation: This event is significant to me because it was one of the main moments in my life where I broke out of my shell and possessed confidence. I have always been an extremely shy individual and this moment helped me greatly by improving the way I present myself. Throughout my years of elementary school, I was always known as the shy girl who rarely spoke. I hated being referred to as an inverted individual and this speech allowed me to prove to the world and myself that my voice will always be heard.


Who? Me, Micaela Schaefer, speaking in front of hundreds of parents and students eager to here about what Father John Redmond has to offer.

What? An open house hosted by my high school for the elementary school students interested in applying.

Where? Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School.

When? In the first month of Grade 9.

Why? I was asked by my Gifted teacher, Mrs. Carducci, to speak on behalf of my grade.

How? I wrote a speech regarding my experiences at Father John Redmond and presented it to an audience full of eager students and parents with listening ears.

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