Sunday 9 July 2017

"Going Out for a Walk": Excuses

          “ I have some letters to write,” is the excuse Beerbohm offers to get out of being taken for a walk. However, this excuse does not work for three reasons. One being that no sane individual would believe that he has letters to write. Secondly, in order not to be known as a liar, he would be compelled to improvise writing a letter. Lastly, the post office does not operate on Sundays and letters would not be delivered.

          In today’s world, an objection someone might offer to being taken for a walk could be that their legs hurt and they just want to sit down and relax. This excuse contradicts with the fact that walks are commonly known to relax individuals and clear their minds. Most people in today’s day and age would rather stay inside and watch TV rather than walk outside and get some fresh air. Our generation has learned to solely depend on technology in order to make our lives easier and we constantly refer to activities such as walking to be uneventful. We no longer strive to free our minds with the outdoors, but rely on artificial intelligence to keep us at ease.

          If I had to write an essay similar to Going Out for a Walk, I would write about the topic of voluntarily watching Netflix or being asked by someone to watch Netflix. My thesis would revolve around the fact that Netflix is commonly known to cause enjoyment and satisfaction to most individuals around the world, but not everyone finds Netflix entertaining. People who do not gain a sense of joy from watching movies on this streaming application usually come up with clever excuses in order to get out of their predicament.

          An activity that is extremely popular in today’s world is watching Netflix. Someone who does not want to engage in this activity would come up with the excuse that they are tired and just want to sleep. This is a believable objection since it is proven that six in ten people worldwide do not get enough sleep, as stated on Daily Mail Online. Depriving someone of sleep is an unthinkable action and should always be considered when inviting others to watch Netflix. Another excuse an individual may have when they are being pestered into watching Netflix is that they have already seen the movie the others are planning to watch. Nobody likes seeing movies more than once since the suspense disappears. If this is the case, they will definitely be off the hook of watching Netflix when they so desperately do not want to.

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